Currently, TC Delivers operates three self sufficient direct mail operating centers that provide the complete spectrum of direct mailing services. Their list of services currently includes: folding, inserting, metering, tabbing, high speed inkjet addressing, data processing, statement printing, and color laser printing services. TC Delivers also provides a complete menu of sorting services including automated and non-automation sortation of all sizes of first class, standard/marketing, non-profit, parcels and international mail.
TC Delivers is dedicated to providing the best staff and best services for their growing client base. We are committed to continue to invest in technology, equipment and people to be the preeminent mail service provider in the Southeast.
TC Delivers expands beyond its three Florida locations and opens a new facility in Dallas, TX.
A geocentric facility is purchased and completely remodeled in Tampa Florida. This new 45,000 square foot state of the art facility has significant capacity for future growth.
TC Delivers continued growth leads to the purchase of a new 24,000 square foot facility in Orlando Florida. With the additional space and added equipment, TC Delivers expands their services to include commingling and drop ship services for Standard and Non Profit mail.
In 2012 as part of our disaster recovery plan TC Delivers moved all of their servers to an offsite backup server provider, GoRack, which is located in the Jacksonville Federal Reserve Bank. The building has been rated category 5 by the American Society of Civil Engineers.
TC Specialties changes their name to TC Delivers Mail Solutions and Savings to more accurately reflect the type of services they offer to their clients. The new name also reflects the company’s continuing commitment to use the best technology along with each employee’s individual commitment to Deliver the exact mailing services their clients need with..
The TCS Jacksonville operation moves into their current 62,000 square foot facility. With the opening of this new facility and the expansion of their service capabilities, TCS processed over 300 million pieces of mail to become one of the largest mailing service providers in the Southeast.
The growing demand for the mailing services of TCS, led the company to expand their capabilities into their third Florida location in Tampa. Coinciding with the opening of this third location, TCS continued to expand their services to include laser print to mail, statement printing and processing and high speed ink jet addressing.
In 1996, TCS built and moved into their new 11,000 square foot production facility in Orlando.
Based on the success of the Jacksonville mailing operation and at the request of some of Florida’s largest mailers, TCS opened a mailing services facility in Orlando Florida.
Jacksonville Florida was selected for a second automated mail service bureau.
During the early 1990’s when the United States Postal Service began offering discounts for presorted and barcoded mail, TCS again expanded their focus. At this time the company made its first investment in available OCR (optical character reading) technology. Realizing the potential for presorting and barcoding services, TCS researched the market for expansion opportunities.
Mr. Ayers sold the company to its current owner, Terry Freeman. During the next few years a decision was made by TCS to refocus their time, energies and financial support in an attempt to develop complimentary services for the coupon production business. Coupon books were marketed successfully in new areas and TCS expanded into larger format commercial printing and added mailing services for these new clients.
60’s – 80’s
John Rigas, founder of Adelphia Cable, Mr. Ayers and TC Specialties collaborated, to produce coupon payment booklets for the rapidly growing cable television customer base.
After the existing companies folded, Bill Ayers, Eliot’s production manager, purchased the printing presses to start a commercial printing company. The name of the company was Tool Crafters which eventually developed into TC Specialties Company.
History gives TC Specialties a unique beginning originating with its most famous heir, Eliot Ness. After Eliot’s crime fighting days during the time of prohibition in the Midwest, he moved to Coudersport, PA to maintain his position as President with Fidelity Check Co. and the Guaranty Paper Co. Their main business was producing high security checks, the kind of checks that could not be easily duplicated.